(Monzón, Huesca, España, 1846 - Graus, Huesca, España, 1911)
"Joaquín Costa Martínez (Monzón, 14 de septiembre de 1846-Graus, 8 de febrero de 1911) fue un político, jurista, economista e historiador español, el mayor representante del movimiento intelectual decimonónico conocido como regeneracionismo, con sus conocidos lemas «escuela y despensa» y «doble llave al sepulcro del Cid para que no vuelva a cabalgar»."
"Joaquín Costa (September 14, 1846, Monzón, Huesca Province - February 8, 1911) was a Spanish politician, lawyer, economist and historian. The son of an Aragonese farmer and the son of the first marriage, Costa was self-educated and campaigned to end what he considered to be Spanish backwardness. He desired to start a movement that would force politicians to embark on a program of educational, social, and economic reform. According to Raymond Carr his ideas, known as 'Regenerationism'(scientific study of Spain's decline as a nation), rose to greater prominence in the aftermath of Spain's defeat in the Spanish-American War."
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