Concilio de Trento. (1545-1563)

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Concilio de Trento. (1545-1563)

(1545 - 1563)

Biographical / Historical Notes
Linked Open DataVirtual International Authority File
Gemeinsame Normdatei (GND) Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
Système Universitaire de Documentation (SUDOC)
Library of Congress Linked Data Service
Alternative forms of the name
Fuentes consultadas1. Catholic encyclopedia, via WWW, 21 October 2011. - Council of Trent; 19th ecumenical council, opened at Trent 13 December 1545, closed 4 December 1563; main object was to respond to Protestant movement and to reform the Church
2. Il Concilio di Trento, c2001.
3. Its Acta genuina s.s. oecumenici Concilii tridentini ... 1874.
4. UÌberholte Verurteilungen?, c1991. - t.p. (Konzil von Trient)