
Menéndez Pelayo Digital y logos de la Fundación Ignacio Larramendi y de DIGIBÍS

Behind “Menendez Pelayo Digital" hides an extensive and complicated network of technical and material contributions, and, behind them, another long list of  personal and institutional generosities and efforts.

The idea somehow came about around 1996 from the intermittent as well as intense contact, that Mr Ignacio Hernando de Larramendi and Xavier Agenjo Bullón maintained. It quickly matured, to the to-ing and fro-ing of calls, faxes and letters they they exchanged with “Larramendiano tempo", during the following months. And while Xavier Agenjo prudently handled the institutional contacts, it was Don Ignacio’s personal commitment, his irresistible persistence, which (under the initial financial backing of the Hernando de Larramendi Foundation) started up the project even when there was still no one to take on the sponsorship of a company that far exceeded the possibilities of its forebearers.

This was enthusiastically done by Caja Cantabria, through its Social and Cultural Project, behind the dedicated support with which Carlos Saiz Martínez, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and Jesus Manuel Zaballa, Chairman of the Social Works Committee welcomed the idea. From the Social and Cultural Project, the support provided by its Director, Guillermo Rubio has been decisive, always ready to solve any queries and issues emerging in the field of institutional relations.

In this same area, the project had the support of the Hon. Town Hall of Santander, through its Mayor, Gonzalo Piñeiro, and Rafael de la Sierra, then Councillor for Culture and current Chairman of the Parliament of Cantabria.

The full readiness of the Spanish National Research Council  to make available the texts of the "National Edition" of the "Complete Works” should be put on record. In these and other procedures we were strongly supported by Miguel Angel Garrido and José Ramón Urquijo, who also offered to try the initial versions of the programme. Thanks, also, to Pilar Martínez Olmos, director of the Philology Library, who provided us with copies of the Complete Works that were used in the digitization.

The Sponsorship of the Spanish University Foundation, with the full support of its Chairman, Gustavo Villapalos, and of the other sponsors, gave us the authority to use the "Collection of Letters” edition. As always happens in relations with the FUE, Amancio Labandeira helped in the arrangements to the maximum, and in this case, he also put at our disposal, along with Jerónimo Herrera and Julio Escribano, his "Bibliography of studies on Menéndez Pelayo". Manuel Martínez Sánchez, manager of the Foundation, provided us with the institutional information included in the help menus.

A decisive role throughout the project has been of course, the role played by the Menéndez Pelayo Library. Together with the merits that have been reflected in other sites, we must thank its Director, Xavier Agenjo Bullón, for the review of the texts in Latin and Greek and his contributions to the institutional texts of the internal menus.

Also in the correction and other similar tasks, we have always had the collaboration of Rosa Fernández Lera and Andrés del Rey Sayagués, who put at our disposal their Pelayo knowledge to solve any queries and details.

In everything related to the external design, the contributions of Cuca and Marta Fernández (Cyan) were, once again, brilliant and definitive.

Among those who reviewed the programme, we are particularly grateful to Javier Mas (Digibis), Francisca Hernández Carrascal (National Library) and Gonzalo Fernández de Castro (Tavera Historic Foundation).

Finally, and from inside, it is essential to mention the enormous collective effort which, under the direction of Tachi Larramendi, all the components of Digibis have been deployed, as well as the permanent contribution of the Tavera Historic Foundation, through Ignacio González Casasnovas and of those who (like Daniel Restrepo and Anunciada Colon) respected his dedication to this project.