A port is a maritime facility which may comprise one or more wharves where ships may dock to load and discharge passengers and cargo. Although usually situated on a sea coast or estuary, some ports, such as Hamburg, Manchester and Duluth, are many miles inland, with access to the sea via river or canal. Because of their roles as a port of entry for immigrants many port cities such as London, New York, Shanghai, Los Angeles, Singapore and Vancouver have experienced dramatic multi-ethnic and multicultural changes. Today, by far the greatest growth in port development is in Asia, the continent with some of the world's largest and busiest ports, such as Singapore and the Chinese ports of Shanghai and Ningbo-Zhoushan. As of 2020, the busiest passenger port in the world is the Port of Helsinki in Finland. However, ports can also be very small and only serve local fishing or tourism.
Un puerto es, por extensión, aquel espacio destinado y orientado especialmente al flujo de mercancías, personas, información o a dar abrigo y seguridad a aquellas embarcaciones o naves encargadas de llevar a cabo dichas tareas. Dentro de los puertos marítimos se pueden distinguir aquellos orientados a la carga y descarga de contenedores; de mercancías de distinto tipo, especialmente los pesqueros; al depósito de embarcaciones de recreo (puertos deportivos) u otros. Los puertos, asimismo, pueden clasificarse dentro de otras categorías, como según el uso civil o militar, el calado del que dispongan: puertos de aguas profundas, superior a los 45 pies (13,72 m), etc.