Derecho constitucional

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Derecho constitucional

Biographical / Historical Notes
NotesHere are entered works about constitutions or constitutional law. Collections of constitutions or texts of individual constitutions are entered under Constitutions.
Úsase para obras teóricas sobre el derecho constitucional. Para obras teóricas sobre una constitución concreta úsese el nombre propio de dicha constitución Para colecciones, antologías, etc. de textos constitucionales véase España. Constitución, 1978 Constituciones
Example under Law
Note under Constitutions
Registros equivalentes   Derecho político
Alternative forms of the name   Constitutional law-Interpretation and construction
   Constitutional limitations
   Constitutions-Interpretation and construction
   Limitations, Constitutional
   Constitutional law
Fuentes consultadas1. The Library of Congress. Authorities & Vocabularies. LC Subject Headings. - Constitutional law. -
2. LCSH. - Constitutional law
3. TD. - Derecho constitucional
4. Wikipedia, Aug. 12, 2008. - The term Constitutionalism is a word with a variety of meanings. Most generally, it is "a [1] complex of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior [2] elaborating the principle that the authority of government [3] derives from and is limited by a body of fundamental law."
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