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NotesJurisprudence.Statutes.Legislation.Law--Interpretation and construction.
Jurisprudence; Law--Interpretation and construction; Legislation; Statutes
Alternative forms of the nameActs, Legislative
Enactments, Legislative
Laws (Statutes)
Legislative acts
Legislative enactments
Fuentes consultadas1. The Library of Congress. Authorities & Vocabularies. LC Subject Headings Law
Referencia de véase ademásnames of legal systems, e.g. special branches of law, e.g. specific legal topics, e.g. subdivision under topics, e.g. also subdivision under headings for groups of people, e.g. Canon law, Common law, Roman law Constitutional law, Criminal law, Maritime law Contracts, Mortgages Law and legislation Telecommunication--Law and legislation Legal status, laws, etc. Teachers--Legal status, laws, etc.
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