W3C welcomed Tim Berners-Lee’s ideaof Linked Open Data technology in 2006, creating an ad hoc group called W3C Linked Data Incubator Group. As a result of their deliberations, three documents were published on 25 October 2011. The "Final Report", the "Data Sets, Value Vocabularies and Metadata Element Sets" and the "Case Studies" that could be assimilated to this technology. Among them was the Polymath Virtual Library. For this reason, an agreement was reached with W3C for Francisca Hernández and Xavier Agenjo to be in charge of the official translation of these documents. All three documents were reviewed by DIGIBIS and the Ignacio Larramendi Foundation.
As can be seen, the translations follow the W3C visualization guidelines, not those of the Ignacio Larramendi Foundation, although they are perfectly integrated.
As a result of the application of this Linked Open Data technology, mainly in Europeana, but also in other digital projects in Libraries, Archives and Museums, an acronym was created which in the first instance was LAM, but to give it an English meaning the letter "G" was added, and the acronym became the word GLAM, the G being of Galleries, the L of Libraries, the A of Archives and the M of Museums.
According to Wikipedia the word glam began to be used in music "Glam rock is a visual style within musical genres created in Great Britain, whose heyday took place between 1971 and the 1980s. Its name is a shortened form of the word glamour".
Below is an introductory text reflecting the translation work that has been done, and links to the Spanish translations and the original English versions: