Buscar obras en Archivo Familiar Montiano


To search for a phrase (in Spanish/Portuguese), enclose words in quotes, e.g., "Miguel de Cervantes".

Enter one or more words in any field; the default operator linking terms is AND.

The wild card characters * and ? can be used to search for a root followed by any character string or words of uncertain spelling. For instance: "ilustr*" will return ilustrador, ilustraciones, ilustrada, ilustrativo, and so forth; "primiti?a" will return "primitiva" and "primitiua". Do not use wild card characters as the first character starting off a search term.

In the Author and Subject fields, when three letters have been typed in, the application will open una ventana emergente con sugerencias de palabras que coincidan, en alguna de sus partes, con las letras que se vayan escribiendo. La ventana emergente dará como máximo diez sugerencias que obtendrá de acuerdo con el número de veces que they are cited in databases. Typing in more letters will restrict the suggestion list accordingly.

"Any field" returns all search results for the search term.

The search can be restricted by selecting one of the collections listed beneath the search fields above.